
INSPIRE Spatial Data Services Recommendations Survey

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Idézet az INSPIRE Forum Newletter áprilisi kiadásából, melyet a HUNAGI tagjai és partnerei a hónap elején a HUNAGI 11 eHírlevélben már olvashattak:

"The INSPIRE Directive foresees the development of Implementing rules for spatial data services and for network services allowing spatial data services to be invoked.
Initial discussions with the National Contact Points in 2010 led to the creation of a Spatial Data Services Working Group (SDS WG) composed of experts nominated by the National Contact Points tasked to help the Commission in refining the framework for the development of the implementing rules through the provision of recommendations.
The Spatial Data Services Working Group, in close collaboration with the Network Services Drafting Team, has released the first version of its recommendations "Spatial Data Services Working Group Recommendations for the development of Spatial Data Services Implementing Rules".
This survey, addressed to the Spatial Data Interest Communities (SDICs) and Legally Mandated Organizations (LMOs), seeks their  feedback on these recommendations.   To participate, login or register  on the restricted SDIC/LMO  area of the INSPIRE Site. You will be directed to the survey page.
The deadline is the 27th April 2011."

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