
INSPIRE adatspecifikációs módszertan véleményezése

Mai postánkból! Az INSPIRE Csapattól érkezett az alábbi felhívás az LMO és SDIC szervezetekhez. A FÖMI, OMSZ és várhatóan a MÁFI (mint LMO szervezetek) saját választ adnak közvetlen formában.
A HUNAGI mint SDIC szervezet úgy képes tagjainak bevonásával érdemi észrevételeit megtenni, ha az ebben érdekeltek visszajeleznek, hogy készek egy on-line internetes kapcsolattal támogatott interaktív munkaülés keretében az anyagot megismerni és arról in-situ véleményt formálni. A visszajelzéseket INSPIRE D2.6 jelzéssel a tárgymezőben kérjük a hunagi@hunagi.hu címre elküldeni. Moderálásra a témában járatos önkéntesek jelentkezését várjuk.

"August 24, 2007
Dear Colleagues,

The Methodology for the Development of Data Specifications (D 2.6) of the INSPIRE Drafting Team “Data Specifications” is now available for public view and for comments from SDICs and LMOs. Comments are restricted to registered SDICs and LMOs only, through their contact person and should be provided via the password protected area of INSPIRE site.

Purpose of the document D 2.6
This document, D 2.6, contains the proposal of the Drafting Team "Data Specifications" for the common methodology for the development of data specifications for the Annex themes. The objective of the document is to facilitate the process of creating harmonised data specifications for the INSPIRE themes (as they are defined in the Annexes I, II and III of the INSPIRE Directive and refined in “D 2.3 - Definition of Annex Themes and Scope”). The document D 2.6 is intended to assist the facilitators, editors and experts who get involved in the development of data specifications for Annex themes.

Important notice
It is important to note that this document is not a draft Implementing Rule, but a document that is targeted to help in the process of developing harmonised data specifications that will eventually become the Implementing Rules (IR) laying down technical arrangements and, where applicable, harmonisation of spatial datasets and services (Art. 7 of Directive 2007/2/EC). It does not create direct obligations to the Member States.

Instructions for the preparation and submission of comments

  • Only comments submitted via the INSPIRE website and using the MS EXCEL template will be processed. Please do not send your comments in other formats.
  • The last uploaded comments file within the established deadline will be accepted as the final version of the comments from the SDIC or LMO. Please ensure that all your comments are included in this file. Only one file per SDIC/LMO is permitted.
  • Please follow the template-example in every respect; e.g. do not merge cells, use the provided pattern for referring chapters, paragraphs, etc. Each personalisation of the spreadsheet creates additional work that causes unnecessarily delays the comment resolution process.
  • If your organisation is registered as SDIC or LMO and has membership in one or more SDICs at the same time, please decide which channel you will use to forward your comments. Multiple submissions do not increase the “weight” of the comment, however they create unnecessary burden for the SDIC/LMO contact person and during the processing of the comments. Regardless of the source each individual comment will be carefully considered in the comment resolution process.
The deadline for submission of comments is 31st October 2007 24:00 CET. Best regards,
The INSPIRE team"

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