A HUNAGI mint SDIC szervezet mai postájából. Közreadás tagszervezetein, tagintézményeink és hallgatói tagságunk részére, véleményüket, hozzájárulásukat kérve:
"Dear SDIC/LMO contact person,
INSPIRE Draft Implementing Rules for Discovery and View Services is now available for public view and for comments from SDICs and LMOs. With the Implementing Rules, comes the first draft of the INSPIRE Network Services Architecture defining the overall technical framework for each of the Network Service Implementing Rules. Comments on these drafts are restricted to registered Spatial Data Interest Communities and Legally Mandated Organisations ONLY following the agreed upon procedure.
Based on all the comments received, the Network Services Drafting Team will issue a new version of the Implementing Rule and of the architecture to be then publicly reviewed for a submission of the final draft of the implementing rules to the INSPIRE regulatory committee before the end of 2008.
In addition and for information ONLY, we are also making publicly available:
The INSPIRE Performance Guidelines to provide context and background information for the definition of the minimum performance criteria included in the documents open for your review.
Conformance testing state of play for the three technical chapters of the INSPIRE directive, namely metadata, data and services. While not trying to be exhaustive or complete, these documents describe some of the existing solutions that may be useful for the future implementation phases.
Important Notices
While the review and feedback on all aspects of the INSPIRE Draft Implementing Rules for Discovery and View Services and the INSPIRE Network Services Architecture is needed and important, we are seeking detailed comments and feedback on specific chapters, more precisely, feedback on Chapter 7 of the Network Services Architecture and Chapter 7 and 8 of the Draft Implementing Rules.
Also you will notice in the two documents important technical choices where your feedback and experience are of paramount importance for the consolidation of these documents, for example the choice of SOAP and the minimum performance criteria.
To summarise Material for the review include:
INSPIRE Draft Discovery and View Implementing Rule
Network Services Architecture
Supported by:
INSPIRE Network Service performance guidelines
Conformance testing state of play for
Instructions for the preparation and submission of comments
Only comments submitted via the INSPIRE website and using the MS EXCEL template will be processed. Please do not send your comments in other formats.
The last uploaded comments file within the established deadline will be accepted as the final version of the comments from the SDIC or LMO. Please ensure that all your comments are included in this file. Only one file per SDIC/LMO is permitted.
Please follow the template-example in every respect; e.g. do not merge cells, use the provided pattern for referring chapters, paragraphs, etc. Each personalisation of the spreadsheet creates additional work that causes unnecessarily delays the comment resolution process.
If your organisation is registered as SDIC or LMO and has membership in one or more SDICs at the same time, please decide which channel you will use to forward your comments. Multiple submissions do not increase the weight of the comment, however they create unnecessary burden for the SDIC/LMO contact person and during the processing of the comments. Regardless of the source each individual comment will be carefully considered in the comment resolution process.
The deadline for submission of comments is 18 February 2008 24:00 CET.
Best regards,
The INSPIRE team"
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